Cannabis is an extremely resilient plant. However, no plant species is indestructible, and like any other organism, cannabis is not immune to disease. Despite having greater control when you have your crop indoors, diseases can prevail and damage or even kill your grow. There are a plethora of cannabis diseases including leaf septoria, verticillium wilt, damping-off. However, in this article we are going to look at how you can treat cannabis diseases. We will explore the three most common diseases that threaten your grow, as well as providing some preventative measures to help you keep them at bay.
Treat Cannabis Diseases – White Powdery Mildew
Powdery mildew is one of the most notorious threats to cannabis crops. Powdery mildew is a rapidly reproducing fungus that is not hard to identify. Portraying a white-grey powder, powdery mildew becomes visible on the plant surface, and once it has started, spreads very quickly. This common pathogen is a danger to your grow, and if left untreated can ruin your crop. The unwanted guest tends to stem from high humidity, low to no airflow, poor ventilation, and overcrowding of plants. Therefore, ensuring your crop has good airflow, as well as clean equipment is essential.
Despite the precautionary measures, sometimes powdery mildew endures and can spread across your crop. In order to fight powdery mildew, removing the infected plants is vital to hinder the spread. Moreover, by either cutting the leaf, bud, or whole plant. However, if the prevention tacks fail you, thankfully at BioRadiance, we have a pesticide-free, chemical-free, and residue-free solution. Conclusively, we have the solution to eliminate this outsider for good in under a week.

Treat Cannabis Diseases – Bud Rot
Bud rot, also known as gray mold, comes from a fungus called Botrytis. It affects many different plant species, including cannabis. The fungus tends to thrive when temperature and humidity levels are high. Therefore, it spreads rapidly, totally capable of destroying a cannabis crop in a week. Botrytis is commonly found on plant buds in the late stage of flowering. However, it can also appear on stems, leaves, and seeds, and can be identified due to its change in color and texture. Areas infected go brown or grey and become dry. Additionally, sometimes fungus develops on the surface of tissues, forming a grey mycelium. Sadly, botrytis is highly contagious and spreads through its gray spores, often transported through air and water.
Despite the efforts of trying to ensure prevention, botrytis may find a way through to develop regardless of your strict methods. To treat cannabis diseases, especially Bud Rot, growers should cut all the affected parts (using sterilized equipment). After this, growers should destroy the infected parts of the plant (in order to reduce the risk of spreading). Penultimately, growers should clean their equipment and wash their hands. Finally, they should ventilate their grow keeping humidity levels below 50%.
Treat Cannabis Diseases – Fusarium Wilt
This destructive disease infects vascular tissue, causing it to turn dark brown, wilt, and die. A way of identifying whether your plants are infected is to see if the plant is struggling to grow. Additionally, wilt is an indication even when there is adequate soil moisture. Sadly, once plants have been infected, they should be destroyed to disable the fungi from spreading.
As we can see from the diseases above, there are preventative measures. However, keeping these diseases away from your crop can be very time consuming and costly. To save you time, money, and your crop, BioRadiance have an affordable and very efficient solution for you to treat cannabis diseases. Our unique BRe3 Wand kills pathogens as well as stimulates photosynthesis. So not only do you keep these nasty diseases away from your crop, you simultaneously boost your plant growth. This results in more yield and profits. Our pesticide-free, residue-free, and chemical-free solution could be the ultimate saver for your crop. Check us out for more information or email us at we are keen to see how we can help you with your grow!