Case Studies

After several years of independent and professional testing, we know that the BRe3 Wand will have incredibly positive effects on your grow.

Take a look at some of our case studies from independent growers.


  • 40-50% increase in biomass development after just 10 days under the BRe3 Wand vs Control
  • Previously stressed plants showed visible signs of regenerative growth
  • Boosted root-zone development

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Before BRe3 Treatment:

Grow Without BRe3

After 10 days of BRe3 Treatment:

Grow with BRe3

Control Plant:

Cannabis BRe3

BRe3 Wand Plant:

Cannabis BRe3


  • Increased stem circumference resulting in stronger plants and bigger yields
  • Reduced inter-nodal distances creating stronger branch structures
  • Larger diameter of vascular bundles showing improved plant growth, faster production of new tissue, and increased nutrient uptake by up to 50%

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  • Reduce development time by up to 52.4%
  • Reduce mortality rate of clones by up to 50% from your current rate
  • Mortality rate almost zero in 5 independent professional trials

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Control Clones:

Control Grow

BRe3 Wand Clones:

Wand Grow


PM Without BRe3 Wand

With BRe3 Wand:

PM BRe3 Wand


  • 10 independently proven case studies from professional and independent growers
  • Proven control & kill
  • Reduce pesticide use
  • Reduce IPM costs

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Case Study #1

Sterling Pacific

1 %

in overall flowering

1 %

 in total cannibinoids

1 %

in total THC content

Case Study #2

WeGrow BC

1 %

in more usable product post trimming 

1 %

control & kill of pests 

1 %

in additional smaller buds 

What Our customers say

Sterling Pacific

By day 14, 71 out of 72 clones had rooted. Not only had 99% of them rooted but the amount of roots that had developed was incredible.

Sterling Pacific

Trust Hydroponics Logo

Our clones grow faster and stronger, the same with our veg stage and with our flowers...and now with our seed germination. All our plant stages are growing cleaner, healthier and stronger under the Wand.

Trust Hydroponics

WeGrow BC logo

The BRe3 Wands display an advantage to achieving healthier plants by combatting powdery mildew, aphids and spidermites.

WeGrow BC

The Harkes Group

I put the BRe3 Wand over top of the infected plants and within weeks, the infected plants had healthy consistent green growth. I would recommend to anyone who is in a position to take care of a large amount of plants or has seen consistent powdery mildew or mould issues to definitely use these supplemental lights, they will save your crop!

The Harkes Group

BFG Crop Consulting

The BRe3 Wand has proven to inhibit and eradicate harmful bacteria and fungi. For these reasons, I believe that the application of the BRe3 Wand over clones is an ideal technique to produce clean and healthy plant propagates.

BFG Crop Consulting


We observed 4 significant findings. (1) Our IPM program costs were reduced by a solid 50%. (2) All plant roots maintained a healthy appearance. (3) There were no visual signs of pathogenic molds or mildews. (4) Flowers produced more radiant colors like greens and purples, and darker hues were achieved without the need for colder temps.


For more information about our Case Studies...

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